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To Support Our Ministry

Thank you for your support in our ministry. There are various ways to donate financially to the Congregation of the Resurrection.

To make a donation, please select how you would like your support to be used. You will be directed to PayPal to enter your payment information. A tax receipt will be mailed to the address provided below.

Donate to Congregation

Donations designated to the Congregation of the Resurrection will be used to support ministries such as Celebrating the Word, vocation promotion, education of men preparing to become Resurrectionist priests, brothers and deacons, on-going formation and education of Resurrectionists and assistance to retired members.

Donate to Missions

Donations to the Resurrectionists Missions provide aid for Resurrectionist work in the South American and African missions.

The Congregation of the Resurrection is a registered charitable organization
A charitable receipt for tax purposes will be sent by mail to Canadian addresses for donations in CAD.

Congregation of the Resurrection – Business Number 11887 4148 RR0002
Resurrectionist Missions – Business Number 11887 4148 RR0001